Prof. John Hunt

Prof. John Hunt

I’m prof. John Hunt, from Blaenavon. I’m developing these personal web pages for others to explore issues relating to environment, climate change, disability, community wellbeing and the Labour Party.

I’m a climate change scientist, geologist and physical geographer; a disabled stroke survivor, and Disability Officer for Torfaen Constituency Labour Party. I m proud to serve the disabled people of Wales as the Co-leader of Disability Labour (Wales), newly (2021) as vice chair of the Torfaen Access Forum (TAF), on the board of FareShare Cymru and through Blaenavon Wheelers

This site is in its infancy and is designed as a hub and community signpost on matters connected with disability, climate change and environmental geoscience and Labour party politics. I am a passionate Labour Party activist commited to green and social welfare challenges; I’m committed the idea that Society looks after its members.

I may disagree passionately with some, but never blindly: those with whom I differ may often times be my friends, improbable as it may sometime seem. In time the blog section wil develop a discussion/idea-sharing section where we can explore our points of difference and agreement constructively. I’m committed to the idea that where peole disagree they do so gracefully and with respect to each other.

I strive against food waste, food poverty and inequity as a trustee-director of FareShare Cymru.

Fundamentally I’m passionate about my enthusiasms, and live to encourage these in others; to motivate and engage communities along with young and vulnerable people; and to offer help and learning opportunities to all who have curiosity and passion, where I might have experiences to share. To some this might be as students, former students, those with political leanings, environmental or learning goals. To others this site will grow as an information gateway for those struggling against the sharing of issues associated with disability and health and might be our touchstone. ... If you find something of interest in these pages that can be a gateway to support, growth and development then my job is begun and I hope they can be supportive in many and inclusive ways.

Read more about me