Prof. John Hunt

Prof. John Hunt's Blog

About the ECHR Report

Read the EHCR report into antisemitism in the Labour Party here

Politically in my Party this current issue of anti-Semitism is looming still too large. This is about injustice against a religious- and culturally- persecuted people, collectively and individually. I have no personal religion, but as a disabled gay man I live within and as two of the nine vulnerable-to-persecution groups that are “protected characteristics” so I empathise with the need of persecuted groups to come together and self-protect and to deserve the shielding protection of a Collective. Of course I oppose and resist all persecution in any shape against those defined (or not defined) in the Equality Act (2010). It is important therefore that we understand the current issues and controversy surrounding the EHRC Report on anti-Semitism the Labour Party.


And this is my line-in-the-sand.

It is important that we look forward; political, socially and environmentally. Always with hope in our hearts. Every day since a teenager (through illness, personal crisis or facing failure or victory of the influences I oppose), I have started my day with my personal mantra: ”Guard and be alert for cynicism - and reject any creeping-descent towards becoming a cynic, say NO to a cynical-life”. Now that I have a rôle in politics however lesser or not I preserve my ideals, accepting that they won't always prevail though trying to ensure that they do I believe in the goodness and kindness of people and in Society and in the importance of working together as a team; Disunity and Division is our enemy to help as achieve in unity.

I say No to internal sectionalism

I impose on myself a personal ban on, or commenting on, any factionalism in what I write/say anywhere in any context. I invite anyone to message me in private if you perceive I’ve done otherwise.

I will not align myself within any 'wing' of our Party. I voted with happy-heart in the post-Miliband leadership elections for both Jeremy and for Keir. I am not going to ally myself now with either camp. I will as a responsible member, candidate and Officer from time to time loyally support, stand-up for and loyally disagree with the Leadership, accepting collective-responsibility unless I perceive I can or should effect a change, but I will not enter discussion pertaining to factionalism views on any of our Leaders current or former, nor on what they represent. I am looking forward to the sunny-uplands of a united happier cleaner and safer politics, environment and country.